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Structural analysis plays a pivotal role in the design, construction, and operation of FOWTs, providing insights into the behavior these complex offshore structures under dynamic environmental forces throughout their lifecycles.

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Floating Platform Components


Main column

Side column

Side column



Analysis Steps

Definition of design load cases

Design iterations

Selecting a combination of meteocean data and operational states of the FOWT based on design standards.

Optimization of the mooring system is typically performed with respect to number of lines and size of the lines.

Using multibody dynamics modelling coupled with hydrodynamics modelling to determine design loads.

Loads assessment

Structural analysis

Using FEM software to evaluate stresses and forces in the components’ structures and benchmark with design standards.

Past Project

Here in Offshore Structure and Mooring Engineering Lab, for structural analysis we focus on:

Semi-submersible Hull Optimization

Finite Element Analysis

Hull Detailed Design

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